Friday, April 10, 2009


"But the Lord answered and said to her, 'Martha, Martha, you are worried and bothered by so many things; but only one thing is necessary, for Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her.'"

~Luke 10:41-42

I'm assuming that most of you reading know the context of that verse. Well, I've felt like a Martha of late. I want to be more of a Mary. I've expressed this frustration in previous blogs, in different wording. Well, I'm going to do something about it...I'm going to cut down on what I feel are my "obligations," but really aren't, one of which is this blog. I no longer plan on writing a regular summary of the week's events. I probably won't stop writing altogether (probably), but it will be very sporadic and short when I do, and will mostly include things like major events, random thoughts/convictions, or prayer requests.

Speaking of prayer of the boys from the farm has gone missing. His name is Andres Felipe. From what I've understood, he went to the city last week for a doctor's appointment, then no one knew where he was, then he showed up at his house (although he and his mother have a poor relationship), and afterwards disappeared. There are many temptations on the street for him to return to his former lifestyle, so please, please pray for him. Pray for his protection, for resistance to temptation, and for reconciliation...with God, foremost, but also with his mother. And pray that he will return to the Foundation.


Also, I have posted more pictures (see how ridiculous this all seems in light of the previous paragraph)...hopefully you will be able to find them from the link in a blog or two back. I don't know how often I will be posting pictures in the future either...probably also more sporadically (or maybe regularly, but without titles & descriptions, because they take up time)

I'm sorry for those who have enjoyed reading my "adventures" (not so sure why, haha), but I need to try to keep both feet in Christ and in Colombia.


Oh, another quick thing. I know this is going to sound crazy, but I'm considering getting laser eye surgery while I'm down here. It only costs $500, for BOTH eyes. In the states it can range from $2-3000, I think. Brian told me about all of this, and that it's completely safe. I normally wouldn't spend my money on such things, but I after thinking about it, I realized I would be saving thousands of dollars over the course of my life, without having to buy glasses/contacts every few years or pay for eye doctor appointments. It seems like a reasonable investment to me...what do you guys think?

BTW, for those of you who may wonder, understandably, if I would be using the money you so generously gave to me for this trip for eye surgery, I wouldn't be...this money is from elsewhere.


  1. Marlon is, as you said, absolutely precious...I want to squeeze him!! (as are all of your other friends). Well, you have been doing some thinking about your time since last night, haven't you? Just blog whenever you can and we'll enjoy reading it. As I told you last night, if you do the eye surgery, just please check out the doc first and be sure he/she has done many procedures and you are not the first. Love you.....

  2. Um, Nick - that whole eye surgery in a foreign country thing makes me a little nervous! Careful, my friend!!

    We'll miss your blogs, but it'll be fun to hear all about it when you get home anyway. I understand your need to focus yourself on the task at hand.
